This information is free to download and reminds you of the rights that everyone has. Click these links to find the information you are looking for:
These are your rights, whether or not you are a U.S. citizen. The file contains English and Spanish translations.

A judicial warrant is a warrant that is signed by a judge and issued by a federal and state court.
Judicial warrants will have a specific time period and address to be searched.
A judicial warrant will specifically name the person they are looking for.
The judicial warrant will have a signature from a judge. Make sure that it says “Judge” below the signature. The top of the paper will also have the word “court” on it.
If you are shown a judicial warrant, you only have to comply with what is written in the signed warrant. You do not have to comply with everything else the officers may ask of you.
An ICE Warrant will be signed by a DHS or ICE official, and DOES NOT COMPLY WITH YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS.
An ICE Warrant might have “Alien” or “Removal” in the title.
Tip #1: If ICE is already inside with an ICE Warrant, you have the right to ask them to leave and tell them you do not consent to them being there.
Tip #2: If you are shown an ICE Warrant, tell the officer that you do not consent. You do not have to open the door for them or let them into the building.